CHIA JAM 2-Ingredient, No Cook

Did you know you can make a yummy and healthy chia jam using just 2 ingredients? No added sugar. The secret is starting with a pureed fruit pouch. Any flavor works!

Pouch  Of Fruit Puree CHIA SEEDS


Using a resealable container, add chia seeds to fruit puree and stir.  Place in fridge overnight or for at least one hour. In the morning, stir and enjoy just like jelly!


I like that this recipe isn’t super sweet like traditional jam but you may prefer something sweeter. You can add honey or a sprinkle of powdered sugar to your jam if you want. It’s up to you but fruit typically isn’t naturally as sweet as what you’re used to in a jam.

When adding sugar though you may need to heat up your fruit puree to get it to dissolve. Powdered sugar is a bit better but you could use regular sugar.  Honey dissolves easily  OR you can just add a drizzle of  honey to your sandwich or whatever you’re making.

You can use chia jam on anything! We used our jam to make peanut butter and jam sandwiches. Great on waffles, English muffins and crepes too.


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