Spinach Dip Pinwheels

These creamy spinach dip pinwheels are made with spinach and fresh vegetables seasoned with Knorr® vegetable dip mix all rolled up in a tortilla. Easy!

Frozen Chopped Spinach Carrot Sour Cream Mayonnaise Whipped Cream Cheese Knorr® Vegetable Mix Water Chestnuts Green Onion Whole Wheat Tortillas


In a large bowl, stir to combine spinach, carrot, sour cream, mayonnaise, cream cheese, vegetable recipe mix seasoning, water chestnuts and green onions.


Cover spinach dip bowl with plastic wrap and chill for at least 2 hours or  over night.  Once chilled, remove plastic and stir.

Then spread spinach dip onto each tortilla all the way to the edges and then tightly roll the tortilla up to form a thick log. Slice each rolled log into 4-5 pinwheels.

Arrange pinwheels on a platter and serve cold. Use any extra filling to serve as a dip. 

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